And with this final picture we wave goodbye to the November Thank-Yous cross country team-up of Millie Cindzer, Scott Rideout, Alana Ponui, and Richard Tuggz. As always we end with a beginning. This shaman of ambiguous origin has found his white whale, but what on earth lies beyond the portal? Or should the question be, what NOT on earth lies beyond the portal? In our collective futures, when the candid snapshot has become as venerable as the pyramids at Giza, and the neighbor's cats are giving us tips on new energy sources, we find a hero/ine who is only responding to the praise that festers in the inner self. We may never find any of the answers for our hero's avaricious ambitions. To be sure, whats rights will be mites, and we'll all suffer a few bites. Remember to not be the one that is all-the-way consumed! Never fear, for the next post will bring us right back to business as usual.

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