And at last we arrive. The entire outfit would like to express the deepest volume of apology for taking so long to post this. This, the very last pages of the large, but small, small, but large FORCES,-Unlimited-Mail-Away-Two-Color-Book-Collaboration. Maybe this is evidence that our lug nuts aren't tightened enough, or that our computers need more RAM. But that does not change the fact that we have enjoyed your continuing support along the way. Each email we get is a testament to the complex nature of the human animal. And now some relaxing music: Below you will find an ordinary Starjumper supply ship that was supposed to rendezvous with the Olympian Gait-Runner science team outside of the Horse Head Nebula. But circumstances have changed as they often do in real life.
Pgs. 40 & 41

Stay tuned for more from the faboo FORCES, Unlimited team!
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