Sometimes just when we have hit the bottom and are trapped in a gooey mire, we are visited by an agent of providence. In a simple form, picture yourself floating through the atmosphere. You have just leaped from a large rock. The thrill has deflated your lungs and your heart is beating like a conga drum. But ho! Now you are surrounded by water and you are in sore need of oxygen. Without our knowing it, our mind and the laws of our cosmos unite to send us on our way, surface bound. Agents of destruction and agents of nourishment fight an endless battle. There will always be instances of treachery and crossing-over, on both sides. Crossing, double crossing, even triple crossing. For example, take the case of the St. Gregory's nurse who held a .22 to an infant's throat demanding that all medication and flammable equipment be burned immediately. Or the case of the Army General who dropped out of life and now spends his days slipping fake dollar bills under windsheild wipers. Now you are traveling through a present-day city toward a friendly environment. Our roads are ever-crumbling, and scattered with flattened birds and 'coney island whitefish'. Watch where you step because your host might have nice clean floors.
Pgs. 36 & 37
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